

           I have lots of friends, they make me happy and I love them all. But in the end of the day they have their best friend.   I have friends but I don’t have best friend . I have best friend before and that is you. I lost my best friend and that is most stupid thing that I’ve ever do. I already miss you, how I wish that the old we could turn back and the time when our friendship is not yet over. I miss you, I always do. I am just that stupid that I wasted our friendship but now I repent all of that.           Our friendship starts when we are in grade 4 and it ends when we’re in grade 10. When we are on our elementary days, we always play together. Chinese garter, piko, hide and seek, computer games, etc. After going to school, I just eat lunch, change my clothes and I will go into your house. We eat snacks together and we are always together in everything. On graduation day, we went to school together, take our pictures and celebrate it together. But when we’re in grade


                 Globally an estimated of 350 million people suffer from depression. And in the Philippines, one out five Filipinos struggle with it.           Do you feel that every day you wake up you are feeling empty and don’t know what you really want. You always overthink about everything. You don’t want to socialize, you just want to be alone. You always thinks that you are a failure, you’re the worst and everyone is better than you. You can’t even control your emotion. And you lost your interest in everything, in everyone. While reading this and most of them describes you, maybe you are suffering from depression.           Depression is a mental disorder where people experience a depressed mood, which they experience deep sorrow. This depressed mood can be noticeable to the person who is experiencing it even or it can be observed only by people around him. But don’t worry because depression is treatable. With anti-depressants, they can restore the old them. Th


          Since summer is near, there are foods that is usually salable during this season. One of those foods is the Haluhalo.           Haluhalo is one of the popular snack or dessert originated in the Philippines. It is a mixture of fruits or tubers, sago’t gulaman (agar jelly), sweetened kidney beans, coconut, usually topped with leche flan or purple jam and evaporated milk is poured upon serving. Most of the ingredients are derived from widespread influence. The sweet beans from Chinese, garbansos from Indian, leche flan from Spaniard and crushed ice from American. This dessert represents the fusion of West and North to the culture of Filipinos.           And if you don't want just ordinary Haluhalo, you can go to the following restaurants that serve Haluhalo with their own creations and twists. 1. Chowking 2. Razon’s 3. CafĂ©  Via Mare 4. Aristocrat Restaurant 5. Dana Buko Cocktail 6. Kuya J 7. Halo-halo sa Ugbo


            I rode a jeep last Saturday going to my school. I was surprised because the jeepney conductor is not like I’ve thought because he is so young for that. And also the driver of the jeepney is his driver.                          Are you in of the luxurious children? The child that get all what you want. The child that in very young age already had gadgets and branded clothes, watch, cellphone, etc. Well, the child that I’ve encountered last Saturday is not one of the on luxurious child. In his very young age he already experience how to work. He already know how’s the life of working. He already experience the things that he should experience only when he is already in the right age.                             He helps his father to make the job easier. His father is the one that is driving and he is the one that responsible for the fare of the passengers. And also one thing that is gladdening to him, he always use po and opo when he talks. When t


           Today i will teach you how to cook a very Filipino dish, Pork Nilaga. It is one of the easiest to soup that anyone can prepare. And it is best serve and eat with Patis (Fish sauce).   The instruction that I wrote is the way how we cook Nilaga in our home.             The ingredients that needed are 2 lbs. pork (cubed), 6 cups of water, 1 medium onion, 4 pcs. of pechay, 2 medium potatoes(cubed), 4 pieces ripe saba banana (sliced in half crosswise), 1 teaspoon whole peppercorn and salt to taste.               The instruction that I wrote is the way how we cook Nilaga in our home. First, put the pot in to heat and add the water. Second, put the pork, onion and peppercorn. Bring to a boil and let it simmer for 45 to 60 minutes until the pork becomes tender. Then, ad the saba banana and the potatoes, let it cook for another 10 minutes. After that put-in the pechay, add salt to taste and stir. Cover and contiue to cook for 3 minutes. Lastly, Transfer


          Today is a day for a great adventure because we will go to Tinipak river in Tanay, Rizal. I never been there before, its my first time there. I can't feel anything but excitement. Last night I already packed my things and I just slept for one hour. As of now, I'm on my way to my friend because there is the meeting place. We prepare our foods and other things that we need. So we ride to the car that will send us to the Tinipak River.               I never thought that this so tiring because we sit in the car for 3 hours. But the ride was so worthy because of the beautiful landscape. Oops! we are not there yet, we are just in the entrance. We ride in to a tricycle and this is a pain-in-the-butt ride. After that ride, we're already in the rive.This is just an amazing place! The rock formations, the clear water, the sceneries, this is just so great.           And of course we swim to the river but be careful because the water in the river is so very fast flo


Ever wonder why corruption persist in the Philippines? We all know that Philippines is suffering from great corruption. Maybe you are thinking about the possible solutions that will set our country from poverty. Corruption refers to political corruption that occurs when a government official or government employee abuse his/her position and carry a capacity for undue advantage. Corruption is natural to human beings, especially if you want luxurious things and lots of money. For me, it is not just fault by the official but Filipinos have a great contribution because the voters have the power to choose the person who is right for that position. But in some case, the candidate take advantage to the poor people by buying their votes.             If we want change then it should start on us. As a responsible voter we should not sell our vote for money that is from tax which came from us. We should choose wisely the person that is fit with that position. A person that is no