Globally an estimated of 350 million people suffer from depression. And in the Philippines, one out five Filipinos struggle with it.

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          Do you feel that every day you wake up you are feeling empty and don’t know what you really want. You always overthink about everything. You don’t want to socialize, you just want to be alone. You always thinks that you are a failure, you’re the worst and everyone is better than you. You can’t even control your emotion. And you lost your interest in everything, in everyone. While reading this and most of them describes you, maybe you are suffering from depression.

          Depression is a mental disorder where people experience a depressed mood, which they experience deep sorrow. This depressed mood can be noticeable to the person who is experiencing it even or it can be observed only by people around him. But don’t worry because depression is treatable. With anti-depressants, they can restore the old them. They will can go back to the things that they usually do. Anti-depressants took long time before it takes effect, usually three weeks to one month before patients feel the change by taking this medicine.
