Today is a day for a great adventure because we will go to Tinipak river in Tanay, Rizal. I never been there before, its my first time there. I can't feel anything but excitement. Last night I already packed my things and I just slept for one hour. As of now, I'm on my way to my friend because there is the meeting place. We prepare our foods and other things that we need. So we ride to the car that will send us to the Tinipak River.
          I never thought that this so tiring because we sit in the car for 3 hours. But the ride was so worthy because of the beautiful landscape. Oops! we are not there yet, we are just in the entrance. We ride in to a tricycle and this is a pain-in-the-butt ride. After that ride, we're already in the rive.This is just an amazing place! The rock formations, the clear water, the sceneries, this is just so great.

          And of course we swim to the river but be careful because the water in the river is so very fast flowing and it make take you the deeper part of the river. After swimming, we take for another walk to go to the Daraitan cave. Before entering there you should wearing a rubber shoes because it is so slippery down there and of course you should bring your flashlight, it is so very dark in there. In the cave as I've said, be careful because the rock in there was so very slippery and there are sharp rocks too. At the enf of the cave, there was a small pool of cold water and it is so refreshing!

         Its the time to go home and say goodbye to the beautiful nature of Tinipak River. After 3 hours, I am finally at home. I'm so very tired and you can't help but notice my skin became dark but it is all worthy because this day is a great and adventurous day.
