Ever wonder why corruption persist in the Philippines? We all know that Philippines is suffering from great corruption. Maybe you are thinking about the possible solutions that will set our country from poverty.

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Corruption refers to political corruption that occurs when a government official or government employee abuse his/her position and carry a capacity for undue advantage. Corruption is natural to human beings, especially if you want luxurious things and lots of money. For me, it is not just fault by the official but Filipinos have a great contribution because the voters have the power to choose the person who is right for that position. But in some case, the candidate take advantage to the poor people by buying their votes.

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            If we want change then it should start on us. As a responsible voter we should not sell our vote for money that is from tax which came from us. We should choose wisely the person that is fit with that position. A person that is not corrupt and a person that takes action. Be responsible and choose wisely, change will start with us.
